Never intimidated, never jealous, My spirit soars, my heart propels, I’m not in competition, no need to impress, My own blessings are enough, I must confess.

I am content with who I am, With each new day, I become a better woman, I am grateful for what I have, I strive for greatness, not to be better than.

My journey is mine, it’s unique and true, I will not compare myself to you, I am focused on my own goals, My blessings are abundant, my soul glows.

So I walk my path, head held high, Grateful for my life, no need to vie, With anyone else, I am enough, My own blessings are plenty, that’s no bluff.

Stamina Tea šŸ˜˜


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon grated turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk or almond milk


  1. Bring water to a boil in a small pot.
  2. Once water is boiling, add the ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper.
  3. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let it steep for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Strain the tea into a mug
  6. Add honey or maple syrup, if desired
  7. Stir in the coconut milk or almond milk.
  8. Enjoy!

The Treasure Chest

Love is a treasure, pure and true

A feeling that I’ve always knew

To share with someone, heart to heart

And never stray, to cheat or part

But love can be a fragile thing

And sometimes, it comes with a sting

My lover was a liar, you see

And the lies, they broke and confused me

They made me ill and full of doubt

But still, I couldn’t shake love out

For even in the darkest hour

I knew I couldn’t let it cower

So I’ll love love, with all my might

Though past experiences have been quite a fight

For true love is built on trust and honesty

And I’ll keep searching for that, with dignity

Love is pure, and love is strong

But lies, they do not belong

I’ll take my time, and choose with care

For a love that’s pure, is truly rare.

To my younger self.

Dear younger me,

As you read this letter, know that you are strong and capable. Life may seem uncertain and daunting at times, but you will come out on the other side, stronger and more resilient.

I know you’re going through a tough time right now, dealing with insecurities and self-doubt. But remember that you are worthy and deserving of happiness. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and know that you are capable of achieving great things.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They are a part of life and are necessary for growth. Learn from them, and don’t let them define you.

Cherish the moments you have with the people you love. They will be the ones who will support you through the tough times, and the ones who will be by your side when you succeed.

Never stop dreaming and reaching for your goals. You have the power to shape your future and make your dreams a reality. Believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.

You are going to go through a lot of changes, but know that you are not alone. You will find your passion, your voice and your place in this world. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from them. You will find love, lose love, and find it again. You will discover new things about yourself and your surroundings. And most importantly, you will learn how to love and respect yourself.

With all my love, Your older self.

No love No light

He told me tales of love and light But in the end, it was all lies He whispered words that sounded true But now I see, they were but a ruse

The truth was hidden, deep inside and now my heart is filled with pride For I will not be fooled again By those who choose to wear a mask and pretend

Sadness creeps in like the tide But I will not let it be my guide For I am stronger than I know and I will not let his lies make me slow

So I will rise and I will stand and I will take back what is mine My heart, my soul, my dignity and I will not let him see me cry

For I am more than what he said And I will not let him have the last word I will move on and I will be free and in the end, that is all that matters to me.

Donā€™t take it personally..

No? How am I supposed to take it?

The point is, I LIKE to take things personally, I think it creates an interesting challenge ā€” even closeness ā€” and makes for lively, honest conversations that even lead to something, like discoveries about each other! I also not only like to take things personally, I like people to take ME and the things I do and say personally, because Iā€™m a person who tries to be as personal as possible. Why? Because it gives me a soft, warm, emotional and personal feeling. It glosses over my insecurities and makes me feel like being ā€œseenā€, recognized, something we all crave, no matter how silly that is.

Of course, there are things I definitely donā€™t take personally or really donā€™t care about one way or another. Like when a dog would try to bite me, or if the bus driver doesnā€™t smile, or when a homeless lets down his pants on the subway and starts swinging it around ā€” a daily sight in NYC.

Nope, not taking any of that personally. As for the rest… šŸ™„

Donā€™t let the darkness snuff out your light.Ā 

The harsh reality is that we live in a cruel world where more often then not, darkness can be found not only surrounding our every day lives, but can also be felt within ourselves. The flickering of news channels and news articles can almost always be counted on to be a bearer of bad new. Showing how much humanity is in chaos with the world and itself. 
Truth is that at the very moment your eyes are passing these very words, people are dying while others are crying. There are murderers, rapists, and abusers in this world causing their victims turmoil of a living hell. Millions of souls in this world are slowly losing faith in their dreams and hopes such as a candle light flickering just before itā€™s final moments of forever being blown out. There are people who are losing everything they ever loved, who are depressed beyond belief, who are suffering a disease that could take their lives atany moment  and who feel like their losing a war at which an unknown monster is winning. At this moment, people are homeless trying to find a way to survive each day. At this moment, there are people who are starving wondering where to find food each day. And at this moment, someone out there is ending their life because they decided they couldnā€™t handle the cruelty of this world anymore. And throughout all this, we stand and witness all this sadness and destruction. 
Thereā€™s a saying out there: The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who donā€™t do anything about it. 
And thatā€™s just it. The world is a cruel place, but it is not without its good. I mean, for how evil this world is, there are so many people who do not sit by and not do anything about it. There are countless of people who are trying to help the less fortunate, who are trying to right the wrongs, and if anythingā€¦out there hoping for a better tomorrow. In a world full of darkness, it is still important to remember there are countless lights of good people with good hearts that still can be found and with it, hope for a this world to improve and be better. And as youā€™re reading these words, be one of the lights in this vast darkness. Be one of the good in this cruel world. Donā€™t let the darkness snuff out your light. 

Narrow paths are found in the center.Ā 

Die alone (all-one) 

never in fragments . 

And, thatā€™s what weā€™re experiencing in life right now – people fragmenting themselves and falling in love with their own reflections which is worship(war-ship) of self to the non-self . 

For example , if you ā€œfall in loveā€ – you ignite a level of consciousness that endows obligation such as IMMOBILITY . How So? 

In the sense that you can subconsciously become disempowered when ā€œfallingā€ in love . This happens when the expectations or desires you have for another become subjective within the relationship . You virtually begin giving up your inner relationship with SELF . You being to forget what makes you UNIQUE & CENTERED . 

But, if you ā€œrise in loveā€ – you virtually stimulate MOBILITY through creative process, inadvertently demanding more freedom . How So ?
In the sense that ā€œRisingā€ in love brings on the notion that you never surrender self-empowerment for another . You stay steadfastly centered in love with oneā€™s Self and keeps the highest integrity with your Soul . You remain centered in Self while creatively sharing and merging with the energies of another . So, beauty in self , and in the self of another , are never lost or jeopardized . 

So, in essence – thereā€™s never a separation between what you love and who you are because it always remains in a state of ONENESS . 

For instance , every-time you think a thought , you are experiencing a part of yourself that is unseen because – if you are your voice and your voice comes from sound and sound comes from your mind and you are your thoughts then when you hear your voice , you are seeing how you look thru sound . 

So, the thought is more provoking and detrimental than the act itself because itā€™s created from the root which is the mind and if you are the thoughts coming from your mind then guess what ? You already played out before coming into the physical realm . Hence , why it is already written . Our essence is invisible energy and invisible implies that you have to look within because itā€™s IN-VISIBLE . 

So, day and night is a reflection of you , the illusion is the flesh(3D) , the reality is the dream(5D

And you only see yourself in on spot because you are focused on the flesh (the illusion), but the reality is that if you look all around you, you will be able to see yourself everywhere. 

So with that said- consider that with in every human being there are simultaneous states of exsistence that are active predating human life, during human life and beyond human life- because Destiny is always authoring things and before she closes the book, she always initiates another one wether it’s about you or not because even if it is a book about another demension, you must remember that you are everything. Even the unknown which is the reality . The reality covers ALL wether you are conscious of it or not, you are everything and you are everywhere. 

7 Day Juice Fast

For those looking for a great way to detox and shed a few extra pounds! 

You should not eat any solids during this 7 Day Juice Fast Plan. It defeats the purpose of it. So stay away from any solids, youā€™ll be Just On Juice for seven days.
If you get headaches, or strong cravings, it is normal for the first 2-4 days. Just stay focused and stay on the juice. Make an extra Juice to drink if you feel like youā€™re about to cave in and eat something solid.
Drink at least 16 oz of water after each juice meal. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Start each day off by juicing 1/2 lemon (peeled) and mix it with 12-16 ounces of warm to hot water. I do this as soon as I wake up each morning, itā€™s important to cleanse your digestive system and give you a good boost of energy. 
Itā€™s recommended to have between 4-6 juices per day each consisting of 16-20 ounces. The below list is great to get you started with different juices. You can choose whichever juices you please while on your juice fast. The list takes into consideration you will try them all. So feel free to experiment you’ve got 7 days! 

Morning Glory

* 2 Apples

* 1 Cucumber

* 1 cup Blueberries

* 2 cups of Grapes

* 2 Kale Leaves

* 1ā€³ Ginger
Jolt juice 
* 2 Apples

* 1 Orange

* 1 Cucumber

* 1/4 Lemon Peeled

* 4 Kale Leaves

Mean Green

* 1 Granny Smith Apple

* 1 Cucumber

* 4 Stalks of Celery

* 4-6 Kale Leaves

* 1/4 Lemon Peeled

* 1ā€³ Ginger
Bruschetta Tang
* 2 Tomatoes

* 1-2 Garlic Cloves Peeled

* 1 Bunch of Basil (20 Leaves)

* 1/4 Lemon Peeled

Sunset Passion

* 1 Beet Sliced

* 1 Cucumber

* 1 Carrot

* 1 Granny Smith Apple

* 4 Kale Leaves

* 1/4 Lemon Peeled

* 1/4 Lime Peeled
Green Machine:

* 4 Kale Leaves

* 2 Apples

* 2 Cups Spinach

* 1/2 Cucumber

* 2 Celery Stalks

* 1 Med Carrot

* 1ā€³ Ginger

You may want to split up the 7 Day Juice Fast into two separate trips to the grocery store. You can do this by getting 12 apples, 12 cucumbers, 1 bag of celery and 2-3 bags of spinach or kale half way through the Fast.
After 3-4 days you will start to feel an abundance of energy, headaches will be gone, and you wonā€™t be as hungry. This means you have overcome the hard part. 
It helps to take Ziploc gallon size bags and prepare your fruit and veggies ahead of time. I will put breakfast in one bag, and lunch in another bag, it cuts down juicing time in the morning.

Make sure you are coring your apples as you do not really want to juice the seeds.
You can pour any of these drinks over ice and enjoy them or drink them how they are.

Do not add salt, but feel free to add spices such as pepper, fresh mint, basil, oregano, chives, or thyme.

Shopping list:

* 12-15 Granny Smith Apples x 2

* 16 ā€“ 20  Cucumbers

* 1 Bag of Carrots

* 1 Bag of Oranges

* 6-12 Tomatoes

* 7 Beets

* 1 Garlic

* 1 Bag of Basil Large

* 4 Cups of Blueberries

* A Bag of Grapes

* 3 Bags of Celery

* 5 Big Bags of Spinach or 8-12 Bundles of Kale

* A Ginger Root

* 7 Lemons

* 2 Limes